• Our Story

About Our Center​

Education customized for your child.

Founded to enhance autism-related services in our community, The Villages Charter School’s Autism Center will be dedicated to meeting the educational needs of students on the autism spectrum. The center will support students’ academic, social, and emotional development through a combination of individualized instruction, specialized programs, and targeted therapies provided by our highly trained staff. Through incorporating principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), students will receive the support they need in a nurturing educational environment focused on individualized learning and growth. 

Our school was created to provide a quality education as a benefit to the children of the employees who have dedicated themselves to the success of The Villages. The Villages Charter School Autism Center, LLC (TVCS AC) is a subsidiary of The Villages Charter School, Inc. which operates by a charter agreement approved by the Sumter County Board of Education and the Florida State Department of Education. Unlike traditional county schools, our enrollment criteria is based upon the place of employment of one of the parents/guardians rather than the geographic address of their home.

Both The Villages Charter School (VCS) and The Villages Charter School Autism Center, LLC (TVCS AC) are Charter School in the Workplace schools (see also School of Choice). It was founded and is provided funding by The Villages of Lake-Sumter, Inc. as a business partnership charter school primarily for the benefit of the children of employees of The Villages of Lake-Sumter, Inc. and those Business Partners who have in the past and continue to participate in the development of The Villages. 

The Autism Center is located on the Buffalo Ridge campus serving K-5 elementary students, offering a comprehensive support system tailored to each child’s unique needs through a collaborative approach involving special educators, therapists, behavioral specialists, and families. 

We invite you to share your interest as we build this new community together.

Leaving The Autism Center Website

The Villages® Charter School Autism Center is operated by The Villages® Charter School Autism Center, LLC (“TVCS AC”), a Florida not-for-profit company and registered 501(c)3. TVCS AC is operated independently from The Villages® Charter School, Inc. (VCS). VCS provides certain administrative services under contract with TVCS AC in an effort to provide continuity and seamless integration for families who also have children attending The Villages® Charter School.
"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."