We invite you to fill out an interest form if your family would like to be a part of The Villages Charter School Autism Center.
Enrollment will begin September 30, 2024.
Learn about the enrollment process
We are looking for talented and compassionate teachers and staff who encourage students to reach their highest potential.
Ready to view open positions and apply for employment?
Website Accessibility: The Villages Charter School Autism Center (TVCS AC) is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to everyone, regardless of abilities. Assistive technology can be launched by tapping the person icon in the lower corner of your screen and can be adjusted to accommodate a variety of needs. If you are still experiencing difficulty accessing information on this site, please contact info@tvcsac.org to gain access to inaccessible online content or functionality. To file a formal grievance under Section 504 and Title II, please contact The Villages Charter School Autism Center at 352-259-6868.
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