• Interest Forms

Shaping Our Future​

Share your interest with us.

We are excited to announce that The Morse Family and The Villages Charter School have created a charter school that can continue to serve our employees’ families and is dedicated to the education of students on the Autism Spectrum.


We invite you to fill out an interest form if your family would like to be a part of The Villages Charter School Autism Center.

Enrollment Application

Enrollment will begin September 30, 2024.
Learn about the enrollment process


We are looking for talented and compassionate teachers and staff who encourage students to reach their highest potential. 

Employment Application

Ready to view open positions and apply for employment?

Leaving The Autism Center Website

The Villages® Charter School Autism Center is operated by The Villages® Charter School Autism Center, LLC (“TVCS AC”), a Florida not-for-profit company and registered 501(c)3. TVCS AC is operated independently from The Villages® Charter School, Inc. (VCS). VCS provides certain administrative services under contract with TVCS AC in an effort to provide continuity and seamless integration for families who also have children attending The Villages® Charter School.
"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."